Rochester’s new beer German Pilsner, features a moderate hop bitterness with a clean dry finish. The Saaz hops bring an herbal and spicy hop flavor that pairs perfectly with the slight grainy sweetness. The timing is perfect since we have a Beer + Brat + Chips $10 combo meal for the upcoming NFL Draft at Union Station. Here are the details on that big event. But about that German Pils …
They are named for the Bohemian city of Plzeň, now in the Czech Republic. Pilsner Urquell Brewery first brewed these pale lagers in 1842. The city of Plzeň received brewing rights in 1307, but it wasn’t until the 1840s when brewers began aging beer with cool fermenting yeasts in caves. This process improved the beer’s clarity and shelf-life. Bavarian brewer Josef Groll who worked for the Plzeň brewery produced the first pale lager of this type in October 1842. Plzeň’s soft water, local Saaz noble hops, Moravian barley malt and Bavarian-style lagering produced a clear, golden beer. While “pilsners”

have grown to become the most popular beer style in the world, the original is the Czech version.
This easy drinking beer gained popularity, and by 1856, it was being consumed in pubs across Prague, Vienna and Paris.
Modern German Pilsner
Modern refrigeration arrived in Germany in the late 19th century, allowing for the brewing of cool fermenting beer across the country. Pilsner Urquell, however, retained its traditional brewing processes until 1993, fermenting its beer in the cellars underneath their brewery.
Many Varieties
Modern pilsners typically are light in color from pale to golden yellow, with varying levels of hop aroma and flavor. Styles include Czech-style Pilsner, German-style Pilsner, European-style Pilsner and American-style Pilsner.
Pils in America
German immigrants brought their favorite beer styles with them to America, introducing pilsner style beers in the mid-19th century. American pilsners draw similarities to the German style today, but often incorporate more corn and rice. Across the board, pilsners tend to be light, easy drinking beers that are perfect enjoyed at barbecues or a night out with friends. We hope to see you in the taproom soon to try our new beer German Pilsner or one of Rochester’s other craft beers.